Tuesday 16 December 2008

tourism in spain


The benefits of tourism in Majorca

It has made the economy grow enormously.
It’s given the local people lot’s of new job opportunities
It’s meant that transport, buildings and the quality of lifestyle has improved.
Money goes to the government from the new residents taxes ect.
The wildlife gets protected more because of all the activists that encourage wildlife parks to make sure no species get extinct ect.
Tourism is now the main source of income in Majorca.
Thanks to the tourism there is now a large range of people from different countries, cultures, and religions.
More modes of transport like more airports ect.

The disadvantages of tourism in Majorca:

The noise
The litter and pollution witch is affecting and destroying the environment.
Antisocial tourists who are a bad influence and get drunk and violent.
The population is now getting overcrowded due to the tourists who buy property’s there.
The jobs are seasonal.
Locals can’t afford property’s because of the prices rising.
Leakages of the tourism are going to the other areas around Majorca.
They are loosing their culture to the tourism.
The farmers are out of work due to the lack of demand for produce.