Friday 12 December 2008

Migration from Mexico to the USA

Pictures submitted by Sean Coyney and Callum Davies


  1. So here i am waiting for a chance to get across into America. I am waiting with my wife and kids we have all of our belonging with us and we have been waiting here for days.We wanted to get away from mexico to have a fresh start in life and start a new life in america start everything again heres my chance everyone jumps on to the moving trucks i think we have the chance to start a new life in America.

  2. I am a mexican and have once tried to cross the border to America. Here is my story.
    I had no use in Mexico, so I wanted to cross the border to America to find a job and do something with my life.
    So i had to plan my escape I had to choose something that meant I wouldn't be caught. This took me a while. Once I had decied how to cross (by the river) and what day (21st February) I was just a waiting my time to come. Swimming across the worlds longest river seems weird but worth it in the long run.
    When the 21st February came I was ready to set off I was 10:00pm so it wa pitch black so I swam as straight as I could.
    At 5:00am I felt the water getting shallower I had mad it. I was on of the lucky people who have mad it.
    I felt on top of the world that day and it proves that if you want something so bad you can do it.

    Eva Johnston

  3. I planned to go across the border in order to live a good life but i wasn't sure whether my plan would work. My plan was to steal a gun and suit from one of the guards so that when i walked across the border i got passed because nobody would reconise me also they would think i was a guard so they wouldn't shoot me or anythink. When i was walking across the bridge it was so scary because i was thinking i could get shot any moment i was trembling.
    When i got across the border i was so relived. It was a miricle for anyone to cross the border and i got across, i could not believe my luck !
    I wish i could have told my friends and family how i got across the border, then they could join me and have a healthy life to.
    I will never forget how i crossed that border !
    By Alex Ennis.

  4. My life was going like hell so i ust wanted to escape so i bought a blow up dingee and i bought a paddle for paddling and to hit any unwanted creatures that trie to hurt me i was scared but i just bit my top lip that night and just went for it so i snuk under the bridge and went for it i luckilly made it to the other sie without any guards or creaturs attaking me i asked the local realastate guy and he gave me a flat that i pay for weekly and it only costs me £150 and i arn £200 i do hard labour and get paid well for it . i also have a cool friend .by callum davis

  5. i have planed a good idea i am going to swim across the border. oh no im not i am going to clime but i dont no what to do. i could get shot if i try to do any think. i could take a risk well i could do the swiming with my own strenth. but still i am scared of what i am going to do there are horrible and nasty things in that water what could kill me so. i am going to cross it by swimming. i am going to take my risk and my life so hear gose. i am in the water tryin to swim it is like yuk. in the water i am swimming but i see some one at the gate i duck under water holding my breath. i didnt get caught luky me few i say to my self. i am swiming again the water is not that deep but i can swim i see some one on the other side. i am like a miel away but they see me i am going to die but i try 2 get to the side but they have shot me in the leg so i can not swim or walk and i get caught. by chloe chilton

  6. It was a 3 mile walk to the border between south america, and the USA. With a heavy rucksack weighing the whole of my body down. it was five minutes gone from my house and i had walked about 3 meters, that was how heavy my bag was! 1 in the morning it was, i thought it was a perfect time to get pass the guards, but it really wasnt. there were loads of people trying to get across. i waited about half an hour till the crouding went down, which it atill didnt go down, but ut wasnt as bad as was when i saw earlier. there was guards all over the fence, i couldnt see one free space... i walked and walked down the fence just i wondered i didnt know what to do... i couldnt think of anything, my mind just went completely blank. i never thought it would be as hard as that. i finally found a space that was clear of guards and people, this was my chance to have a new life. i got my wire clippers out, and clipped a small whole in the fence.i ran so fast across to the rio grande. a guard ran over to me he was sprinting i carried on running but he court me. i got sent all the way back, but u had so many things to achieve in life, and now it was completely over.

    alex bates :)

  7. Sophie Flanagan
    Just 1 word to describe my ordeal. Terrifying. But it had to happen.I have to cross the border to America, there were many obstacles in my way, but I had to try my, the reason I had to leave Mexico is because i have no home of my own, I lived with my 10 brothers and sisters and we all share 2 bedrooms, my parents were killed trying to cross the border to America, but I always think they knew what was going to happen to them because they didn't take us with them, I couldn;t et a job because of my poor education and there are all of about 4 jobs going in the City I live in, there are hardly any buildings, mexico used to be quite goo, the standard of living and everything. Do you think I'm writing this from South America or Mexico? Read on, find out, and take a look at the ordeal I had to face. I started out on my journey at approximately 2am, hoping that at the Mexican gates, the guards wouldn't be on guard yet, just hoping, it is about a 15 mile walk, not far from the coast of Mexico, with a huge rucksack on my back,weighing me down, I jumped into the river the Rio Grand, and swam through the filthy water, with nasty creatures for company. The guards turned around, and all of a sudden, jumped in after me and started chasing me around, I was handcuffed and sent back the way I came. oh well, maybe next time I'll be successful.

  8. By Rosie Whilock
    I was planning my attempt to get across the border on the 2nd July. I was going to the shops and picking the longest and cheapest piece of rope, and a hook. Then i had a good nights sleep because i would need the energy in the morning. The next day I got up very early, and I grabbed my rope and hook.
    I tied the rope around my waist but left a bit so I could hook the rope on to the bottem of the bridge so I could go across like I was on monkey bars. I approached the bridge, keeping low so the guards wouldn't see me and then I quickly jumped into the river, at this point I had second thoughts as the water swirled round my feet, like it wanted to pull me under. I went tot he start of the bridge and I climbed up the frame, it was really hard work and m arms were tarting to hurt, but I had to do this I thought. I made sure the rope was tight, and i tied it onto the end of the hook,which I then threw over the top of the structure, then I grabbed them with my hands and began my long and tiring journey.
    My hands started to hurt, so I hooked my legs over aswell and pulled myself along, I got half way there and the guards were patrolling and they were shining torches everywhere, so I had to stay still for ages, I was starting to get really tired now and then one of my shoes fell of and made a splash as it hit the river, then a creature came up and ate it, now I was terrified, I could my heart pumping out of my body. The guards looked underneath the bridge shining the torches around me, but it must have been luck, they didn't shine it on me. I continued, but i was weak now, my body wa shaking with the effort, but I could see the end, I was nearly there. But then I realised that the bottm structure finished and I looked down at the gap between me and the river below me, I could see the current, which if I jumped would take me under instantly.
    Then i saw a tree vine, and i swung to the edge and clambered on to the side. I saw a hole under the wall and clambered threw. I was in America!
    I have a great job now and I am vey happy.

  9. Lauren Yemm
    I was beginning to lan a way to get across the border on the 5th July. I went to the shops looking for the most cheapest norkling kit there. The shopkeeper looked at me like why do you need that.I went out after had bought it and got prepared for my cunning plan. I woke up extremely early the next morning and set off to the Rio Grand.I crept across as slowly and as quietly as i could so them scray quards didn't see m. I quickly jumped the river and kitted up and i started to swim. My legs and arms started to ache i felt like i had been swimming for ages but i only had been swimming for about 3 minutes. Something crawled under me and i splashed... I made it i carried on swimming i was hoping the guards didn't see me, they all looked then i had to be still really still... Phewww i made it i saw this big rock infront of me i thought great! I swam behind it and the other side there was... A GUARD! Arrr i scramed inside. They pointed back i got out and went back home. I was gutted and i was still living the same way as before.

  10. I was desperate to leave mexico and what ever it takes i was going to leave,soon I was running then I came to a fence but there was no way through then I spotted a hole further along the fence. All I had to do was cut a little bit off the fence and climb through,soon i came to a river but there was no way across so I swam under the cold icy water past the guards and through a hole in the fence. I never got caught but i was close to being caught.

  11. someone called jose atempted to cross the mexican border into america this is his story.

    i tried to get passed the guards but they asked for a passport but i didnt have one so they beat me up and forced me back.After that i tried again but this time i walked down a small ally by the fence,then i noticed a little hole but i couldn't get through so i pulled out my wire cutters and started to cut the wire.I managed to sneak through and then i swam underwater passed the guards and got to the main fence and cut the wires very quickly then rushed through the hole.Then one of the guards noticed me so i ran as fast as i could and he couldn't catch me so i had beaten he guards and i started anew rich life in america.Luke yardley

  12. I was desperate to leave mexico but then one of the guards stopped me and asked me for a passport. but I didn't have one so they pulled me back and threw me off the this piont I was in the sea so I swam upto the boat then I climbed on the boat but one off the guards saw me so I ran and ran then I lost them so I went to enjoy the free ride.
    when I got off I was relieved to get to america and to be able to have a new and rich life.

  13. I am an illegal immegrant and I am going to tell you my story.I have despeately tried to cross the mexican border but I have not yet been successful.Why you may ask.This is because I am so poor I cannot afford a passport.Also many times I have tried to cross the Rio Grand, the widest and most dangerous river in the world.This is what the stories about.
    It was about 1:00am on a muggy summers morning.I was alone in the dark and it was so quiet and still I could visualise a horror story before my very eyes.Little did I know I would be the main character of my own horror story later on that night.Finally I got myself together and crept into my rubber dinghy.I rowed slowly down stream.I passed one bridge, then two, then three.I was amazed that I hadnt been shot yet.So amazed that I lost controll of the boat and the current got a hold of me. I found myself thrown out of the boat and everything went black.
    The next thing I knew, I was in an American hospital ward.For a minute I thought i had made it but as I recovered it became clear that I was going back home to my hut in Mexico.So here I am. I have never tried to cross after that.

  14. I tred to cross the border so I could be free from places that are poor but its hard to cross the border when you are the one who lives here pls when you trie to escape frough the water you will be shot or worse eaten so I've tried my best to escape from mexico where the poor are and unbelievable I nearly crossed the border but was stoped by the gurads of the border I had trird every thing to cross the border but nuthing ever worked I almost gave up but I thougt of giving it 1 more but every thing I did faild to sucseed but every time I would repeat to my self 1 more try but always faild so I've wasted my time so I've deciced to guve up I didt make it across.

  15. it was saterday, the day i would try and cross the a great big fence that separates mexico from america.i decided to try and steal a small jetplane . At two aclock in the morning i crept into mexico airport and spotted a small shorthaul jet which i snuck into. the plane had big engines this one had four. also me not knowing this the planes engines are very quiet meaning i wouldn't be heard. I crept into the plane but had to duck behind a chair as the pilot was still in the cockpit turning of the ufortunate ill know how to turn the engines on now. when he had left i ran to the cockpit and looked around good noone there I thougt. I ran back tothe door and closed it. iwent to the cokit and turned the engines on low.iclosed the door and sat down in the pilots seat. I put the engines in reverse and pulled out of the hanger. as I aproached the runway i heard the radio crackle on andthe commander say ou are not clear for takeof bae 146 .i tok of and landed in america half an hor later .i hope the rest of myfamily manage to get here as well and get a good home.and i hope they dont worryabout meif they dont. this is mytale noone elses.

  16. bobby reidy p8
    it started when i was hiding behind a bush i really wanted to do this so i chucked a stone the guard slowly made his way to the stone and the i gon to the fence a pulled out my fence cutters a put a small hole so i can only just get through i saw the guard and he did not notice me so i carred on walking it was taking ages for me to get to the saw front the brige is heavly coverd with guards with guns so i werent going to risk it so i went down to the sea i swa lots of sharks so i climbed up the brige because there was no other way to get ova so i got the end of the bridge and there was a hole in the wall so i craled through and that was the way i got back into the states

  17. theyall were swimming and using wwire cuters to getthough but most didnt make well a few anyway

    lewis rees

  18. domonic gough p8

    Tuesday 7:30 i woke for a really hard job in hand i felt sick and didnt no weather i could do it or could i take the pressure i was really scared and knew that it was one in a thousand chance that i would make it across alive. i left my hut and headed for the bridge when i got there i saw there was too many gaurds there to get over it. then i went over to the wall but before i got any closer to it a gaurd told me to leave the area so the only way to get across was to swim but i wouldnt be alone there would be all sorts of creatures in the river but it was my only chance of getting across. later on i found a way into into the river so i took it i got to the river and started to swim and swim and swim after a while i had been biten by a few fish and it was really stinging,eventually i was half way there but there was a bridge with loads of gaurds so i had to go under water and i had to hold my breath until i got under the bridge then i had to do it again the other side of the bridge after i swam and swam i got closer and closer to america i suddenly felti could do this .I COULD ACTUALLY CROSS THE BORDER!But the only problem now was getting past the american gaurds so i had to find a way past them . as i got to shore i found a hole in the netting so i crouched down and crawled through the hole then i got away from the area as quickly as possible.

  19. i think that the mexico border has a high security rate and fully loaded protection

  20. i tink dat immigration frm mexico 2 america is vry commen and all the border is highly protected and is hrd to gt passed. luke yardley

  21. From all these stories i have found out that people go to extremes to get accross the border.

  22. I think all of these have showed that they are scared.

  23. i think the mexican border is tougher then we are making out andi don't think it will be as easy to cross
    Eva Johnston

  24. We found out that the border is very har to cross but there is so many ways to achieve it and if you get across it seems like it is worth the struggle to get there. From Sophie F and Lauren Y

  25. I like them there good some spelling mistakes

  26. I think the stories are cleverly put together and I would enjoy a slightly different subject next time though.this one was a bit boring!

  27. These are very powerful photos and the students have captured many of the emotions and problems of crossing the border.
