Wednesday 10 December 2008

The River Danube

The River Danube

The river danube is 2850km long. It starts in Germany and finishes in two counties, Romania and bulgaria flowing into the black sea.
The problem with the Danube is that as you get further it gets dirtier

The picture above shows the danube in romania where it is most dirty, although you could not tell from the picture.

The picture above shows a picture of the Danube in hungary
The industry in the river is causing serious problems with the water and the less ecomically developed coutries can not afford to clean the water before drinking it.

Over 85 million people wash in the Danube so it is and along with industry there is alot of pollution in the river

Many diseases are caused by dirty water from the danube and alot of people rely on water to live but industries cannot shut down to avoid pollution because the industries are the main countries income and are heping them to develop.

The pollution also kills fish in the river which are the main food source of some couties and for people who sell fish, this can lower their income

The Danube industry makes lots of money for lots of countries.

For example, gold mines where the gold is rinsed and water put back into the river which makes the water dirty. Gold mines can also have cyanide spillages which will kill all fish in the area

Above is a picture of industry on the danube.

Types of industry the Danube

The main types of industry are agriculture, energy production an mineral extrating

above is the danube on the Romanian-Serbian border called the iron gate.

The water doen't look to bad but it is infected and can cause illness

There are not really any easy solutions unless all of the coutries agree as if one country high up the river says no all counties further down will still have pollution


  1. I like the way you have descibed the problem with the danube. Well Done!

  2. the post has good information and i didnt know where the river danube was it was interesting to find out about...

    thankyou very much

  3. hi i am one of the people that live next to the danube the water there is not very clean and we did rely on it for fish but now the fish are contaminated and we cannot eat the fish.
