Tuesday 16 December 2008


there are winners and losers in globalisation. the winners are those that get to own the parts they want to own (eg. gas electricity and water) the losers are the ones that dont get to own those things. liberalisation has effected globasisation, this is were the owners of all the gas and electricity and water open up and let others own different aspects of this. globalisastion has changed since the communication has become easier and the transport is different.

the worlds trade has changed as a whole since 1955 as the econemy has grown.

things like agreculture on the other hand has become harder, liberalisation has become harder in all ways.

manufactured goods have been falling in prices because the costs of transport has fallen to.

flows of money has increased aswell but is also on a decrease point due to the economic downturn.

distrebution of money and income very unequal all around the world. The richest 10% of households in the world have as much yearly income as the bottom 90%.

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