Tuesday, 16 December 2008

volcanoes and earthquakes


125 years ago the biggest volcano in the world erupted, Krakatau. It was described with the force of 13,000 Hiroshima atom bombs and also described with a sound that could be heard from 1,930 miles away. The volcano also caused a tidal wave killing 36,417 people in java and Sumatra, destroyed 165 villages and towns, and 2 thirds of the island. Wind blew the ash from the volcano as far away as new-York sea levels were also raised in the English Channel

a volcano is an opening which will allow all sorts of materials such as magma and molten rock an eruption only occurs when the pressure is so great it has no where else to go and is released through the opening


most rivers are naturally made and the can go for miles or just a few hundred yards and they can have a fast current or slow current,fast currents can carry very heavy objects including people and animals it may also carry heavy rocks and can carry them for ages.
slow currents can only carry things like fish and cans it may also carry small stones for a short distance of time. rivers are formed when it rains and the rain travels on the ground or in the dirt creating a pasage for water to flow down and then it carrys on traveling and if it reaches the sea then the river has reached its destination and can't carry on any further.
Weather and climate

The picture below is from http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i.treehugger.com/images/2007/10/24/lighting-and-tornado-storm.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/07/tornado_power_c.php&usg=__0HHqxWxfIxmKeszejTo92yRZIWw=&h=335&w=468&sz=39&hl=en&start=4&um=1&tbnid=yMUCeSi4o1tAXM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=128&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dtornadoes%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DX. it does not hav any copyright details or logos on it

The United States has the most activity of any country, seeing about four times of the rest of the world .Creating the conditions necessary to breed strong, long-lived storms which occur many times a year. A large portion of these events form in an area of the central United States known as Tornado Alley A large portion of these events form in an area of the central United States known as Tornado Alley.

The information above is from the website below.

tourism in spain


The benefits of tourism in Majorca

It has made the economy grow enormously.
It’s given the local people lot’s of new job opportunities
It’s meant that transport, buildings and the quality of lifestyle has improved.
Money goes to the government from the new residents taxes ect.
The wildlife gets protected more because of all the activists that encourage wildlife parks to make sure no species get extinct ect.
Tourism is now the main source of income in Majorca.
Thanks to the tourism there is now a large range of people from different countries, cultures, and religions.
More modes of transport like more airports ect.

The disadvantages of tourism in Majorca:

The noise
The litter and pollution witch is affecting and destroying the environment.
Antisocial tourists who are a bad influence and get drunk and violent.
The population is now getting overcrowded due to the tourists who buy property’s there.
The jobs are seasonal.
Locals can’t afford property’s because of the prices rising.
Leakages of the tourism are going to the other areas around Majorca.
They are loosing their culture to the tourism.
The farmers are out of work due to the lack of demand for produce.

Weather and Climate


volcanoes are the most deadly naturaly disaster causes in the world becuse ther explosions are so deadly they can kill over thousands of people just from one volcanoe becuse the blast from it can cause fire balls to fly up into the air and hit house or people,ash can cause people to be burnt alive and choke and the lava can destroy house in a matter of seconds


There are lots of rivers around the world. The largest river is the amazon and that is in South America. This is a picture of the river amazon. Another large river is the nile. This is mainly in egypt but it goes through Sudan as well. the largest river in england is the severn. The river severn runs through Shropshire.

There is a water cycle where water evapuorates from the ground to turn to rain which gathers in one place to create a river or lake.

human migration

Human migration is where one person or a group of people moves from one location to another.
There are two types of migration which is voluntary migration and involuntary migration, involuntary migrators can be slaves traficking in human beings or ethnic cleansing.
Often people migrate so they can ge better jobs in in the country that they are planning to move to, even though most of the time the get payed under minimum wage, but it is still better than what they would have got in their old country and in this country they are less likely to get diseases.
Migrants can be called different things like emigrants,immigrants or settlers but it depends on historical setting, circumstances and perspective.
Recently people have been saying that migration is getting out of hand and that the migrants are taking over all of the jobs that the brittish really need and especially as the credit crunch is here people are getting annoyed that they do not have jobs and do not have enough money to keep roofs over their heads and the migrants(mostly Indians) have jobs in factories and shops and post offices and banks being payed good money and the brittish are ending up with nothing.

Pakistan Earthquake.

The pakistan earthquake happened on Saturday 8th of october 2005 at 8:50 (Pakistan time).The magnitutde of this earthquake was 7.6.Over 75,000 people were killed. over 1,500 houses were destroyed in Uri. More than 1,100 houses were flattened india Kashmia.

Most of the 6,000 schools were destroyed and the students are still working out side now because the schools have still not been rebuilt.

Many people from the usa offered to help and bring over helicopters with food and suplies.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes

What makes a volcano?

Gas and magma make volcanoes.

Why do they rise?

It isn't the earth's surface that rises. Whilst at the earth's surface the magma turns into lava. The lava makes a hill as it cools. This happens time and time again.

There is only one type of volcano is an area. Various gases, and ash are realased when a volcano occurs.

There are at least 1500 active volcanoes on our very earth. There are at least 80 or more underneath the sea.

What are plates?

Plates are what make up the earth's crust. These sometimes move.


A river is a natural stream traveling slowly or fast towards
a lake or sea etc.
A average river consists of small wildlife and fish whilst much larger rivers contain much bigger species of fish. Rivers are the talk of anglers around the world, many anglers take up fishing on the banks of rivers worldwide.
The River Nile is the longest river in the world. It measures 6,695 kilometres from its source in Burundi,


The chinese flag. Chinese popuation.

Total Land Area of China is 9,596,960 Sq. Kms. It is the fourth largest Country in the World. Shanghai and Beijing are two of the largest and most populous cities in the world.
At least 14 countries and 4 seas border China . Since the country is so large, climate is extremely varied � it is sub arctic in the North and Tropical in the South.
The population of China according to a July 2006 estimate is 1,313,973,713. It is officially the most populated country in the world. The Chinese Government has adopted a "one child" policy in an effort to curb the high numbers. Unfortunately this also makes China one of the fastest aging countries .
China has an obligatory Military service of 2 years for all men between 18 and 22. Women of the same age group are also recruited for specific military jobs.
The Han Chinese is the largest majority group in China. Mandarin Chinese is the o fficial language . However in total, 55 official minorities and 206 listed languages are mentioned.
The Jen Min Jih Pao or People's Daily is the largest official publication .
The Tienanmen Square is the world's largest public gathering place and the Three Gorges Dam is the biggest dam.

migration - USA / mexico

About 5.3 million undocumented immigrants from Mexico are living in the United States, according to estimates based on the March 2002 Current Population Survey (CPS) as well as census and other government data. Over one in every two Mexican immigrants is undocumented, compared with about one in every six for the remainder of the foreign born.

Weather and Climate

Due to placement on the earth, Temperature varies to how close to the equator a country/continent is. Also, many places in the world suffer from heatwaves as there country is situated too close to the equator. The opposite to this are the places that are frozen over due to not enough hea t is able to reach the areas. In places such as Greece wildfires are occuring this is due to the dryness of the ground and the heat around causing crops and plants to catch alight. Weather is a mixture of events that happen each day causing temperature to rise or fall, rain to fallor even in someplaces of the world snow to fall. Climate however, is the average weather in an area over a period of years.

weather and climate

weather and climate is one of the main subjects in geography. weather is a mix of events that happen everyday in our atmosphere including temperature, rainfull and humidity. weather is not the same everywhere you go in some parts of thr world its very hot andin other parts of the world its raining cloudy andmaybe snowing because the farther you are away from the equater means its colder but the closer you are its warmer. climate controls the weather were you live,climate is the average pattern in a place over many years the climate of antartic is quite different to the climate of the tropical islands. hot summerdays are typical of climatesin diferent regions.


Migration is when people from one country move to another because they feel that the country that they are moving to has good benefits. Lots of people that migrate from poor countries get poor paid jobs in their new country. There is lots of migration in Mexico with lots of people moving to America. There are guards on the border to make sure people do not get into America illegally. When people are caught crossing the border into America they are transported back to Mexico.

volcanos and earthquakes

Volcanoes and Earthquakes have devastating consequences as disasters, as they cause many hundreds of deaths all year round from all over the world. Volcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the surface. At the surface it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits. Ash deposits result from more explosive activity and lava flows usually are associated with quieter activity. After a few eruptions the lava and ash deposits build up and form"mini volcanoes"which eventually can form fully sized volcanoes.

"Stress"in the earth's outer layer cause a pushing effect against the sides of the fault. Due to this motion, rocks slip or collide against each other releasing energy. This released energy travels in waves through the earth's crust and causes the shaking that we feel during an earthquake.
Under the surface of the earth, the two sides of a fault are constantly moving, relative to one another. This movement is known as a fault slip. The movement of these two sides is not smooth and is accompanied by a gradual build-up of elastic strain energy within the rocks along the fault.
Eventually, the strain fault becomes too much. Then ruptures with a sudden movement releasing all the energy it has built up. This energy is released in the form of vibrations called 'seismic waves'. These waves travel along the surface and through the earth at speeds depending on the material through which they move. It is actually these seismic waves that cause most of the destructive effects, which we associate with earthquakes. Earthquakes can also cause landslides, sudden eruptions as in the case of a hot lava flow from a volcano or giant waves called tsunamis. Sometimes new land mass are also formed. Earthquakes are one of the most devastating distasters around

Migration - USA / mexico

Due to the close proximity of Mexico to the U.S. and the noticeable difference in quality of life, it is no wonder why for many generations Mexicans have illegally crossed the border. They come to achieve the American dream.

Volcanoes and Earthquakes

What is a Volcanoes?
A Volcaneo is an opening in the planets crust, which allows hot rock, gases and ashes to escape from the surface. Volcaic activity tends to make moutians over time.

What is an Earthquake?
An Earthquake is a result of a release of energy in the Earths crust. Earthquakes makes themselves by shaking and displacing the ground.

migration from USA to Mexico

in mexico the working and living conditions are very very poor. this is why people from mexico try to climb over to america because the quality of life is so much better.


there are winners and losers in globalisation. the winners are those that get to own the parts they want to own (eg. gas electricity and water) the losers are the ones that dont get to own those things. liberalisation has effected globasisation, this is were the owners of all the gas and electricity and water open up and let others own different aspects of this. globalisastion has changed since the communication has become easier and the transport is different.

the worlds trade has changed as a whole since 1955 as the econemy has grown.

things like agreculture on the other hand has become harder, liberalisation has become harder in all ways.

manufactured goods have been falling in prices because the costs of transport has fallen to.

flows of money has increased aswell but is also on a decrease point due to the economic downturn.

distrebution of money and income very unequal all around the world. The richest 10% of households in the world have as much yearly income as the bottom 90%.


Tourism takes place in many countries across the world.

There are good and bad points to toursim here are some of the examples:

  • Tourism brings in money

  • Improves business and industries

  • Funds the locoals who live in that area and supplies them with more water, this mainly takes place in abroad countries such as majorca.

  • Tourism pollutes countries. Lager louts trash streets and local people do not like this.

  • Places get very busy.

  • Rainforests and animals habtats get destroyed.

  • Most homes are not lived in eg tourists buy holiday homes and then the local people can't afford to buy and keep houses because the house prices rise because there is lots of houses being brought and more houses being bulit.

  • The transport in the areas and quality of life improved.

  • Noise

  • Loss of culture

  • Aggro-toursim getting more money.

Migration USA to Mexico

In Mexico the living conditions are very poor. That is why many mexicans try to get over the border into the USA becuase the quality of life is so much better. Because of the amount of Mexicans trying to get into the USA they have put up a massive fence stretching from San Diego California to Brownsville Texas. Also along the wall there is a border patrol that patrols the wall for any immagrants that try and get over the wall.
This is a picture of the mexican border from coast to coast.


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"tourism is where you stay outside you normal environment for at least over night or you have travelled 50 miles"

you can be a tourist evan if your are working in a job u dont have to be on holiday you could be visiting family or freinds is the same country

Volcanoes and Earthquakes

Volcanic eruptions happen when magma rises to the surface of the earth. Scientists who specialize in volcanoes are called volcanologists. They are getting better at predicting when the eruptions are going to happen. Volcanic ash is good for soil, so plants grow stronger and faster after there has been an eruption. One in ten people live within danger range of an active volcano.

Earthquakes are caused by tectonic plates rubbing together, hitting each other or pulling away. Earthquakes can cause volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and even earthquakes on the other side of the world.
The areas in red are where earthquakes have been recorded. The more red there is in an area, the more often the earthquakes happen. Notice that the earthquakes are almost always on the edge of tectonic plates. The west coast of North and South America, Japan and the edge of the Pacific Ocean.


China is one of the many main countrys for globalisation.Globalisation is where company owners make there goods in other countrys to make it cheeper.This results in very low paid jobs and poor working conditions.

You may notice that everything you own is made in china or japan (to name a few),even down to the shoes on your feet.Nike is one example of a company making there products abroad.

People are paid stupidly low wages like 50p a day.If you pay £80 for some boots,the factory gets about 12%,the worker gets about 4% out of the 12. Its a descrase.


The population in China is 1,321,851,888.
In china you are not aloud to have more then 1 child this is because the population is to big if you do have another child you would have to pay for their health care and school education

there are over 100 slang languages but the most common one is cantonese

china have alot of polution

china also copys and make illegal things

hong kong is offically a part of china in 1997

last year the olympics was held in china and the chinese won the most gold medals

there was a massive earthquake in Sichuan China. There was a little boy who is 7 years old and e saved his friends life when they was under rubble.

Every year there is a Chinese New Year where there are 12 animals. This year is the Cow for Chinese New Year. They are like the Star Sign where you are given information about the animal and your luck.The 12 animals are Rat Ox Tiger Hare Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Boar. Every 60 years there is a Stem Branch that will be counted down and in the 60 years every animal will have a special luck towards it. Eg: Golden monkey if this happens every 60 years.

Volcano eruption and Earthquake destruction

Volcanoes and earthquakes can cause a lot of damage. A volcano is a natural disaster. It causes an opening in the planets surface. Inside the earths core, there is a red hot liquid rock. This is called magma. When this magma rises to the earths surface, volcanoes erupt.

When the magma rises to the surface, gas bubbles appear in it. The gas causes pressure which builds up inside the mountain and eventually it will explode. Magma will burst out of the volcano and once it has, the magma is now known as lava.

The magma in the earth can cause many different types of volcanoes. It all depends on the thickness of the magma. If the magma is quite thin, then the gas can escape easily and there will not be an explosion and the magma will overflow over the sides. If the magma is thick and sticky, gas cannot escape and the pressure in the mountain builds up until it has to blow.

Devastating explosions like this can cause landslides and also send out huge clouds of burning rock and gas which can completely destroy everything around them.

An earthquake is also a natural disaster. They shake and sometimes displace the ground at the Earth’s surface. They hurt people and destroy buildings. They can happen anywhere along plate boundaries. Earthquakes are the result of a sudden release of energy in the earths crust. Earthquakes dangerous. Different earthquakes have different magnitudes (strength). They can also trigger tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and landslides.

Barcelona 2008

During October of 2008 we went on a trip to Barcelona in Spain for geographical reasons. We had a great time there and had a lot of fun. Especially when Felix hid in the shower. We met an interesting man called Boris, who nearly stole our tickets for the tour of the Nou Camp. However, Miss Morris' good people skills managed to recover them and we had a blast.

Here are some pictures of our adventures.

It rained on the first day unfortunately, we all got our caps out. Josh is showing his red cap as he is of course the "caplad".


There are many different hazards such as:




These disasters cause death and destruction in their wake. Millions die and they happen all over the world. One of the most famous catastrophes was the tsunami of 2004 that hit the coasts of Thailand and Sri Lanka. This caused over 225 thousand(225000) deaths in up to 11 countries. For several months afterwards, dead bodies were still being dug up on beaches. The Thai government tried to encourage more tourists to come to their country to help pay for rebuilding the hundreds of buildings.

Monday, 15 December 2008


Israel's water serves several national objectives: developing settlements, population distribution, and raising the standard of living. The prevailing ideology of the Zionist movement before the establishment of the State, of reversing the Jewish employment pyramid in the Diaspora, led to the agricultural basis of various types of rural settlements throughout the country. To this end, water was a necessity. Over the years this ideology has weakened in favor of individual welfare. Concomitantly, the population of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza grew and the standard of living rose, all of which affected the water resources.
The tacitly agreed-upon policy, traditionally prevalent in Israel, of creating a long-term balance between the utilization of water resources and the potential of available water, could not meet consumer pressure, especially the pressure of the agricultural sector. Matters culminated in a severe water crisis in 2001, which was manifested by the water level dropping below the red lines in the Sea of Galilee as well as in the mountain and coastal aquifers. This, along with the pollution of most of Israel's streams and ground water, nearly destroyed the water resources. These events necessitate a change in the water management strategy, assuming that our region will gradually dry up as part of a global process and that Israel will continue to transfer water resources to neighboring countries following peace agreements and other accords.
The name "shekel" was derived from an ancient unit of weight that amounts to approximately one ounce or 12 grams. The New Israel shekel , issued by the Bank of Israel, was introduced on September 4, 1985. It replaced the "old" shekel, at a rate of one new shekel per 1000 "old" shekel. The "old" shekel replaced the Israeli pound on February 24, 1980, at a rate of one shekel per 10 pounds. Since January 1, 2003, the New Israel shekel has been a freely convertible currency as all capital controls have been removed. A floating exchange rate regime with inflation had been implemented in 1992. Since then, all capital controls have been moved making a free convertible currency.

government desisions and investments

israels water supplies

Israel's water economy is on the brink of a crisis.
Demand and consumption are increasing, exceeding the capacity of the natural sources, which are being depleted. Water quality in the sources is deteriorating, due to over-exploitation and intensive human activity. The government of Israel decided on an integrated policy and action:
To preserve and protect the existing reserves, in quality and quantity.
To increase considerably the supply of potable water, mainly through seawater desalination and purification of water sources.
To advance the treatment of sewage, its collection and purification, turning it into the main source of water for agriculture (replacing potable water).
To intensify water saving in all sectors by economic measures - raising the price, as well as by legal means, enforcement, improved management and organization.
To invest in Agrotechnology, to convert agriculture to using mainly low quality water - recycled waste water, brackish and flood water.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Migration from Mexico to the USA

Pictures submitted by Sean Coyney and Callum Davies

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Israel- Jack's group!

The water cycle

Water is a renewable resource due to the continuos water cycle. The first part of it is when the sea water evaporates and forms the clouds, after that the water vapour condenses and precipitates (rains) over land. When those two processes have been completed the surface run off goes back to the sea, and cycle begins again, and again, and again...

Using water to create energy such as heat and electricity is sustainable as water will always be in constant supplydue to rain water, snow and many other precipitation methods.

Water is normally collected in reservoirs and dams. Rain water and river water is stored here until someis let out and turned in turbines instantly creating kinetic energy, which is soon transferred into electrical energy. When this process takes place on the three gorges dam it supllies up to 13 cities, 140 towns and over 1,300 villages.

This is a picture of the hydrologic cycle showing each stage. This cycle has no beginning or ending, it is just a continous, and natural supply of water. This cycle does not differ for any ocean, land area or country.

Through the cycle many processes go through as already i have mentioned water vapor and precipitation. Some examples of other processes as seen in the diagram arecondensation which is the opposite of evaporation. Condensation occurs when a gas is changed into a liquid. Secondly anothr important process is Infiltration.Infiltration is an important process where rain water soaks into the ground, through the soil and underlying rock layers. Runoff is when Much of the water that returns to Earth as precipitation runs off the surface of the land, and flows down hill into streams, rivers, ponds and lakes. the most common is Evaporation evapouration is the process where a liquid, in this case water, changes from its liquid state to a gaseous state. Lastly Transpiration is As plants absorb water from the soil, the water moves from the roots through the stems to the leaves. Once the water reaches the leaves, some of it evaporates from the leaves, adding to the amount of water vapor in the air. This process of evaporation through plant leaves is called transpiration.

River Danube

This is a blog about the River Danube made by Emily, Alex, Ashley, Luke & Libby.

River Danube is the longest river in the European Union and Europe's second largest river after the Volga. It flows 2,780 kilometres from its source in the Black Forest of Germany through the Romanian and Ukrainian Delta to the Black Sea and comprises together parts of 8 of Central and Eastern Europe.

The river Danube supports the supply of drinking water, agriculture, industry, fishing,
tourism and recreation, is used for power generation, navigation, and too often it is the final destination of disposal of waste waters. These intensive uses have created problems of water quality and quantity, and reduced biodiversity in the basin.

This map shows the route of River Danube.

It starts in the Black forest of Germany and it ends in Romania and then goes into the Black sea.

During the journey to the Black Sea, there are many industries and factories. They pollute the river and contaminate the water which kills fish and has a big impact on humans and wildlife.

Case study

On 30th January 2000 disaster struck. Cyanide leaked from a gold-mine reservior at Baia Mare reaching the River Tisza just over a week later. Two weeks after that it had reached the Danube and there as concern over water supply in Belgrade. Fish stocks in the Tisza River were poisoned, affecting many livelihoods. Water from thr Tisza is also used for irrigation, so affecting agriculture.

The water pollution is having a big effect on the River Danube, these are:

1) 85 million people throughout Europe are not getting good use out of th river water- of the water being polluted.

2) Many fish are getting killed- this is also caused by the pollution of the river.

3) Environment-wildlife being affected.

4) Local business- could lose people's interest in the business/ need to shut down because people are moving away.

Economics of the Danube

The River Danube has many uses. This includes drinking water, navigation and transport, fishing and tourism. There are many economics activities causing the pollution e.g. agriculture, energy production( hydro and nuclear power), industry(timber- processing and oil- refining), mineral extracting( coal, oil, uranium) and navigation.

Drinking water
Along its path, the Danube is a source of drinking water for about ten million people. In Baden- Wurttemberg, Germany, almost 30% of the water for the area comes from purified water of the Danube. Other cities like Ulm and Passuu also use some water from the Danube but most states now find it too difficult to have access to clean water because of extensive pollution, it's also very hard to clean the water; only parts of Romania where the water is cleaner still use a lot of drinking water from the Danube.

The importance of fishing on the Danube, which used to be critical in the Middle Ages, has declined dramatically. Some fishermen are still active at certain points on the river, and the Danube Delta still has an important industry but because there are many fish died in river Danube, fisherman are now finding it hard to depends their livings on fishing.


There are many solutions that can help us to solve the problems of River Danube:

1) Monitor water quality and emission levels along the river.

2) Prevent and reduct of transboundary impact.

3) Countries needs to co-operate with each other to allow cross- border clean up operations.

4) Maybe come up with a new law- it's illegal to pollute the river.

5) Maintain and improve water quality.

6) Control hazards from accidental spills.

The Danube countries agreed on a plan of action to clean up the river. The Danube River Protection Convention( agreement) came into force in October 1998.