Wednesday 28 January 2009

Water is a right! Discuss... we only have 1% to share!


  1. Water should be a right to everyone. All people no matter what area should have water. Much of todays water has been mis-managed. For example Las Vegas is a mis-managed area taking water from the people need it to the people who don't need it and then is wasted in more than one way.
    They put water on large scale irrigation golf courses just to make the grass green when this water could have been used to grow crops, flowers to flower , and fish to swim.
    In this instance water has been mis-managed and water has been wasted.
    I think that water should be a right to all because we have equal rights and opportunities.

  2. there is not enough water for everyone

  3. this is a fair statement however if every one had water then everyone would have a insificint amount of water.
    There is not enough water for everyone.

  4. Water is a vital source for life- therefore everyone needs it. It is unfair that some people do not have access to clean drinking water, whereas others are wasting it in dishwashers, swimming pools and hotel fountains!

  5. everyone should have the right to water to live

  6. water is a privalage and also a place like britain take it for granted there are some countries that dont have any water

  7. i think that water should be available to everyone but there is not enough water for everyone

  8. The Danube-An Example Of Poor Water Management

    The Danube flows through more than 15 countries in europe and used to be their fresh clean water supply until the water began to be used by industries for cleaning. the river began to get polluted.
    The water can now only be used near the source in Germany as this is the only place where it is not polluted. Most other countries can not afford to filter the water

  9. there is not enough water for every one

  10. people will fight over water

  11. the water should be shared equally for everybody so everyone gets the same.

  12. due to water shortage and miss management in some countries, people do not have clean drinking water.

  13. there is a form of poor water manegment

  14. Everybody should have a right to have water and Clean water. Unfortunately in many countries people do NOT have enough. They die due to dehidration. They have to go to the sea or to a lake or river to get it- like the aral sea. It is shrinking due to irrigation. People keep getting water from it but it won't have water in it forever!

    What can we do???

    Build a dAM. It was made


  15. refering to Las-Vegas water is a shortage because of how bad-handled it is, most water is wasted jue to all the tourists so when they have more tourists more and more hotels are being built which means more swimming pools to fill, more water for hygiene. This is a waste when there are people in israel walking for miles just to get water to drink for the family usually women and young girls.

  16. I agree that everyone should have the right to have access to water and it's vital to our lives but we must not waste them and must use it wisely because we're running out and many people in this world still don't have access to clean water/ running water, especially in LEDC. If people still not do anything about it or not changing their behaviour, eventually it will run out!
    The water management in a country is also very important, they must make sure that people are using the water correctly and water access shuld be equally spread out in different areas.
    For Example, in Las Vegas, people use most of the water for hotels, pools and big fountains, while some places are deserted, they are short of water. I think this is a waste!

  17. places like lasvegas import water from collerado
    and they use it on watering plants

  18. everyone should have access to clean water. In cities such as,las vegas water is wasted on large swimming pools and fountains this water could have been used for better purposes like south africa where water is severely scarce.

  19. there will be conflict in countries like israel
    over water because there isn't enough to go round unless it is managed properly.

  20. all people in medc and ledc should have a right to water as we are all equal. As we have only 1% to share it should managed well but in most cases it isnt for example in places such as the aral sea as it shrinking rapidy beacause people over a period of time were taking the water out to use for cotton farming. Kebekistan have tried to rebuid the lake by building a dam. However ubekistan are still draining the water from the lake and are managing the water irrespnsible.

  21. Every person should have a right to water no matter other people say. water today is unevenly distrubuted around the world and is managed poorly.In fact we only have under 1% of water that is useable.For example the aral sea which has been drained for cotton crops it was reffered to as sea but people now think of it as a lake because there is so little water.The aral seas water has a high salt content. Desalination allows access to clean drinking water because it removes the salt from the sea water. I believe that all poeple should definitely have access to clean drinking water no matter what area they live in and no matter who the person is beacuse everyone is equal.

  22. Everyone should have clean water, because we need it to survive!
    the aral sea is a prime example of bad management as no-one is educated on how to use the water correctly. And now they are all suffering.

  23. Water, in this world countries only have access to under 1% of water and that is split up into each country, this means that it leaves us with a minimul amount of water and as it is essetial for us to live, we cannot afford to manage it badly. unfortunatly water is managed poorly all over the world, such as in Las vegas, situated in the center of the Nevada desert, water is wasted on swimming pools and dishwashers, luxuries we can live without, the water in vegas is imported from the coloado river. Another example is the River Danube, this is a river situated in the center of a cluster of 15 countries. the water in the river could supply these countries with a clean source of drinking water, unfortunatly industry has taken over the river and is using it for an alternative way of transporting goods, also businesses use the river fir dumping chemical waste, this is a very poor way of managing what could be a clean supply of water to 15 countries.
