Thursday 29 January 2009

READ ME!!!! The Slums Would You Want To Live Here

life in the slums is hard. its a simple fact that many people ignore. image a orld with no electricoty, comfort or even clean sanatation areas. you would have no tvs, radio, ipods or any kind of electrical equipment at all. People in slums even lack the simplisitys like toilets or just running water.
Slum life first began in mumbi in the 1950s. the idea behind it is that people living out in the contry side and living of the land decide to try and better there selfs in the bright lights of the city. the reality is much harsher. People arrive in the city and fail to find work. the house in the contry side has been sold but there is not enough money to rent a new place. you are STUCK. so people do the only think that they can and build there own shelters. this reeatedly happens hundreds of times a year and so eventually these self made shelters become a shanty town or SLUM!

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