Thursday 29 January 2009

2007 River Severn Floods

The summer of 2007 was recorded as the wettest since records began in 1914 by MetOffice. Between May and July the rainfall on the UK was nearly double the average, this led to the River Severn bursting its banks first on the 25th June and then much worse on the 20th July. The worst affected area was Gloucestershire where
7 people died in the floods and the fire and rescue service attended 1,800 calls within 18 hours (normally they would attend 8,000 in one year). 50,000 homes were left without electricity and another 420,000 homes had no running water - the Army had to distribute 3 million bottles of water each day.

1 comment:

  1. The Severn's drainage basin area is 11420 square kilometres, excluding the River Wye and Avon which flow into the Bristol Channel. With this much water flowing into it , its hardly a surprise that it floods.
