Wednesday 28 January 2009

The Aral Sea: Should the water be drained for cotton crops?


  1. no they should use it for drinking not wasted on crops

  2. in my opinion no it shouldnt because the people need water to survive as an essential part of their diet.It shouldnt be then used to water crops.

  3. I don't think the aral sea should be drained for cotton crops and should be used for drinking water as this is essential to survive.

  4. they dont need to take out the amount they do from the Aral Sea for the cotton crops, if it must be used to grow any kind of crops, why not food.

  5. If the people around the aral sea were educated to use other methods of watering cops than irrigation then water would be saved

  6. Cotton is also a very political crop because of its importance in world trade and to the economies of many developing countries.
